This is how we earn for you.
How much do you want to make?

Current interest rate is 10.55%.

So How does this work?



Simply send the amount you'd like to deposit to Flywheel Systems. We add that to a portfolio designed to maximize your returns.



Every week, you will receive an update on the interest of your deposit as your money grows right before your eyes. All interest is compounded weekly.


Withdraw Anytime

At any point, you can reclaim your deposit and interest earned. You will never lose any money — you'll always get back more than your original deposit. Always.


Five years from now, earning 10% or more on your savings will commonplace. So why not start earning tomorrow's interest rates today?

Think beyond “too good to be true?”


Always maintain value

Stablecoins give you all the flexibility of a traditional digital cryptocurrency but exactly none of the volatility. Stablecoins are pegged to the USD dollar, so no matter the price of Bitcoin, you can always redeem 1 stablecoin for $1.00 USD and vice versa.


demand means value for you

Since stablecoins are designed to let US Dollars move globally through exchanges, businesses, and organizations, they are in high demand. That demand translates into healthy and competitive interest on your money.


Earn unprecedented interest

Flywheel Systems helps you take advantage of that by converting your US Dollars to stablecoins, allowing you to earn unprecedented interest within a decentralized finance exchange — far more than any bank will offer you.