2021 — The Year of the Helium Network


This month marks one year since I first set up my Helium Hotspot. This last year has been a rough ride no doubt, but through all the blows, I found a tiny, little guiding star through the fog of 2020. And a big part of that star was ignited by, um.... Helium. (Sorry — bad astrophysics humor).

In addition to the Helium Network and other Flywheel Systems services, I'm working through Starman Solutions to consult for a company that is pursuing very deliberate growth in the same integrated technology that is radically helping to improve our lives — from finding lost dogs to intelligent streetlights to hyper-efficient airports to complete smart cities. All of this is done in part by utilizing low-power sensors that communicate data through a network like Helium.

I know I'm just a tiny blip in the growth of this industry, but I love that I am helping to build a future that I've always seen in my head.

Through the struggles of last year, I have found a place where beliefs in my heart and intellect are aligned with convergence in the world. It's a good feeling to find that again through the mass of visionless minds suffocating new thinking on both global, local, and interpersonal scales.

We’ve got a long, long way to go, but it’s real-world projects like this that help light the way.

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If you want to be a part of #ThePeoplesNetwork, sign up for more information to join us.


Projects to Watch Into Winter and beyond